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                    • 更新時間:2016-01-14
                    • 訪  問  量:3540

                    Origen 二甲基亞砜DMSODMSO-DEX40供應


                        DMSO 屬于非質子極性溶劑,常用于化學反應、 PCR反應以及在細胞、組織和器官的保存中用作玻璃化低溫冷凍防護劑。 DMSO用于細胞冷凍培養(yǎng)基內,可以保護細胞免受冰晶引起的機械性損傷。它也可以用于主培養(yǎng)、亞培養(yǎng)、重組異倍體、雜交瘤等系列細胞株,胚胎干細胞( ESC)和造血干細胞的冷凍保藏。另外常常與 BSAFBS混合使用。


                    1 DMSO廣泛應用在人、動物細胞株及細菌噬菌體λ的低溫防護中,制備 DMSO溶液用來冷凍細胞的步驟如下:

                    A.配制冷凍培養(yǎng)基:含有細胞培養(yǎng)用培養(yǎng)基、 10-20% 血清和 5-10% DMSO


                    C.低速離心(4℃,250×g, 10min)收集細胞,吸去培養(yǎng)基;

                    D.用冷凍培養(yǎng)基懸浮細胞,使細胞密度為 106 -107 cells/ml


                    F.依照標準凍存程序冷凍細胞,凍存在 -70℃或更低的溫度內;

                    2)細胞融合時,40-50% PEG 溶液內加入10% DMSO

                    3)有文獻報道 DMSO作為緩沖液的成分,用于以下的實驗:PolyA+RNA 的純化, E. coli感受態(tài)細胞轉化、 PCR反應、 cDNA文庫的擴增、 DNA測序、 DEAE-葡聚糖介導的細胞轉染、聚凝胺介導的 DNA轉染;

                    4)有相應的程序描述到用 DMSO回收膜過濾后的 DNA,用于接下來的 PCR擴增反應;

                    5)用于 DNA測序的毛細管電泳技術將 5% DMSO (v/w)混入 2 M尿素中,如果需要可以調整 DMSO濃度到100%

                    6)有研究報道不同濃度的 DMSO與寡核苷酸的熔點溫度關系;

                    7)有研究描述利用 DMSO提高雜交瘤細胞中單克隆抗體的產量; 調查發(fā)現(xiàn)低溫冷凍前用含有 DMSO的培養(yǎng)基高溫培養(yǎng)雜交瘤細胞。

                    8)文獻報道利用 DMSO修飾蛋白中的磷酸絲氨酸和磷酸蘇氨酸殘基用作磷酸化狀態(tài)的質譜分析( MS);

                    9)文獻報道水和 DMSO中的亮脯利特(Leuprolide)降解作用;


                    ? *互溶: LDPE, HDPE,聚丙烯 , PPCO, 聚甲基戊烯,尼龍, teflon FEP

                    ? 中度互溶:聚苯乙烯, ECTFE/ETFE

                    ? 溶:聚砜 , flexible and rigid PVC tubing,聚碳酸脂




                        DMSO 易于水混合( 1 ml DMSO + 1 ml H2O)形成清澈、無色的溶液。易吸潮,免暴露在潮濕環(huán)境。

                    儲存 /穩(wěn)定性:

                    DMSO 容易過冷并且室溫下緩慢融化,收到的產品應為固體并非液體狀態(tài)。固化的 DMSO放在室溫下可以再次液化,對其本身無損害。屬于熱穩(wěn)定化合物,在高達 100℃的酸、堿及中性溶液中保持穩(wěn)定。溫度接近其沸點(189℃),在堿性和中性溶液中仍保持穩(wěn)定。 150℃加熱 24h,其純度損失小于0.1%

                    要制備濾膜除菌的 DMSO溶液,推薦使用 teflon nylon膜,盡量不用醋酸纖維素膜。


                    1CryoPur DMSO

                    OriGen manufactures sterile filtered CryoPurTM 100% DMSO and CryoPur-DTM DMSO/Dextran.

                    The solutions are packaged in syringes or vials. Both packages are shatter resistant. All syringes are shipped in a tray to prevent any damage while in transit, and are fitted with a stopcock, shipped with the actuator blocked for safety.

                    Our DMSO products are CE marked and certified USP and Pharmacopeia Europa Standards.


                    CryoPurTM: 100% DMSO

                    Stock Number  Product Description  Stock Item    European Reference Number

                    CP-05    100% DMSO, 5ml Fill Volum              V10005

                    CP-10        100% DMSO, 10ml Fill Volume    X       V10010

                    CP-50        100% DMSO, 50ml Fill Volume         X     V10050

                    CP-70        100% DMSO, 70ml Fill Volume         X     V10070

                    CP-100     100% DMSO, 100ml Fill Volume       X     V10100

                    CryoPur-DTM: 55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40

                    (*CryoPur-D is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and Water for Injection, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder water for injection)

                    Stock Number  Product Description         Stock Item        European Reference Number

                    CD-05     DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 5ml fill volume

                    CD-07       DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 7.2ml fill volume       X       V504007

                    CD-35       DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 35ml fill volume         X   V504035

                    CD-50       DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 50ml fill volume      X     V504050

                    CD-70       DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 70ml fill volume              V504070

                    CD-100     DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 100ml fill volume    X     V5040100

                    CryoPur-STM: 55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40

                    (*CryoPur-S is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and remainder 0.72% Saline, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder saline.)

                    Stock Number  Product Description         Stock Item        European Reference Number

                    CDS-50B     DMSO/Dextran/saline, 50ml fill volume            V204850-S7

                    CDS-100B            DMSO/Dextran/saline, 100ml fill volume         V2048100-S7


                    CryoPurTM: 100% DMSO

                    Stock Number  Product Description         Stock Item        European Reference Number

                    SP-10   100% DMSO, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing          X     S10010

                    SP-20    100% DMSO, 20ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing       X      

                    SP-30        100% DMSO, 30ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing        X     S10030

                    SP-50        100% DMSO, 50ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing        X     S10050

                    SP-10-1     100% DMSO, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and cap           S10010SC

                    SP-50-1  100% DMSO, 50ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and cap           S10050SC

                    CryoPur-DTM: 55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40

                    (*CryoPur-D is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and Water for Injection, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder water for injection)

                    Stock Number  Product Description         Stock Item        European Reference Number

                    SD-05   DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 5ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing                 S504005

                    SD-06        DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 6ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing                S504006

                    SD-07        DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 7.2ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing     X     S504007

                    SD-10        DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing      X       S504010

                    SD-12        DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 12ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing              S504012

                    SD-10-1    DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and cap          S504010SC

                    CryoPur-STM: 55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40

                    (*CryoPur-S is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and remainder 0.9% Saline, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder saline.)

                    Stock Number  Product Description         Stock Item        European Reference Number

                    SDS-05A-B  DMSO/Dextran/saline, 5ml fill volume + 2ml air in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD Tubing      

                    SDS-15A   DMSO/Dextran/saline, 15ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing       SDS-20A   DMSO/Dextran/saline, 20ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing      

                    CryoPurTM: 80% DMSO, remainder water for injection

                    Stock Number  Product Description         Stock Item        European Reference Number

                    SPW-10C  DMSO, remainder water, 10ml in 20ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing       SPW-30C  DMSO, remainder water, 30ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing       SPW-50C  DMSO, remainder water, 50ml in 60ml syringe, stopcock and SCD tubing            


                    100% DMSO: +20 to 30°C (freezes/solidifies at 18°C, DMSO/Dextran: +2 to 8°C


                    10ml vials: 12 to a case, larger vials: 6 to a case, syringes sold individually

                    Custom Sizes

                    Custom packages and formulations are possible, please enquire. Minimum order volumes may apply.  8-12 week lead time on custom items.

                    USA: For research use only.


                    Cryostore:Freezing Bags  Freeze volumemin-max,10-30mL 凍存袋    24/        OriGen BioMedical    CS50

                    Cryostore:Freezing Bags  Freeze volumemin-max,30-70mL 凍存袋    24/        OriGen BioMedical    CS250





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                    2025 版權所有 © 重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司  備案號:渝ICP備14000349號-4 sitemap.xml 管理登陸 技術支持:化工儀器網

                    地址:重慶市江北區(qū)金渝大道153號8棟20-14 傳真:023-63419626 郵件:sales@ys-bio.com

                    重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司主要經營干細胞研究 干細胞治療產品 生物試劑 實驗耗材 藥物研發(fā)等產品。






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